Satellite systems

Thanks to a diamond lens developed by scientists from Macquarie University and the Fraunhofer Institute. Previous lasers with diamond optics had a maximum power of 20 watts.
Researchers are interested in lasers with diamond lenses because of their ability to transfer energy over long distances without significant losses. They can be used for communications in space and, let’s be honest, in the arms industry. With a power of 380 W, the new laser was strong enough to cut steel. Such destructive power can also be used to destroy space debris in orbit.
The wavelength of this new diamond laser is 1,240 nm – slightly longer than that of conventional red lasers, which vary between 700 and 800 nm.
The wavelength of this new diamond laser is 1,240 nm – slightly longer than that of conventional red lasers, which vary between 700 and 800 nm.

The longer the wavelength, the less interference in the atmosphere. And, surprisingly, such lasers are safer for humans.
These waves do not penetrate the front of the eye and do not harm the retina. But you still would hardly want to be under their influence. The key to a breakthrough in diamond laser power was improved manufacturing technology. The diamond used was not natural, but of laboratory origin.
We are always interested in expanding our partner network, and if you are interested in individual projects based on our advanced technologies for growing nitrogen-free diamond single crystals according to the highest quality standards, surpassing natural diamonds in size and characteristics, you can always contact us about the possibility of partnership and collaboration.

how we create our diamonds?
The process of creating a natural and synthetic diamond is extremely similar – only one occurs naturally, and the other occurs in the laboratory. We make science simple and want to share with you our innovative and advanced HPHT synthetic diamond technology.