
Synthetic diamond can potentially be used as a semiconductor, since it can be doped with impurities from boron and phosphorus. Since these elements contain more or less valence electrons than diamond atoms, p- and n-conduction zones form, forming a pn junction. On the basis of such a pn junction LEDs were constructed with a length of output UV radiation of 235 nm.
Another useful property for use in electronics of synthetic diamond is the high electron mobility, which can reach 4500 cm2 / (V · s) for electrons in a diamond single crystal. High electron mobility is required in high-frequency technology, the possibility of creating a field-effect transistor from diamond with an operating frequency of up to 50 GHz is demonstrated. The wide band gap of diamond (5.5 eV) gives excellent dielectric properties.

In total, with excellent mechanical properties on the basis of diamonds, prototypes of powerful power transistors for power plants were built.
Synthetic diamond based transistors are manufactured in laboratories. Diamond transistors are very promising – they can operate at a higher temperature than silicon, resist radiation and mechanical damage.
Synthetic diamonds are already used in radiation detectors.
Their radiation resistance together with a wide band gap (5.5 eV) makes them an interesting material for detectors. The advantageous difference with respect to other semiconductors is the absence of a stable oxide. This makes it impossible to create CMOS structures, but it makes it possible to work with UV radiation, without problems with absorption of radiation in an oxide film. Diamonds are used in BaBar detectors at the Stanford linear accelerator. And BOLD (Blind to the Optical Light Detectors for VUV solar observations). Diamond VUV detectors were recently used in the European LYRA program.

We are always interested in expanding our partner network, and if you are interested in individual projects based on our advanced technologies for growing nitrogen-free diamond single crystals according to the highest quality standards, surpassing natural diamonds in size and characteristics, you can always contact us about the possibility of partnership and collaboration.

how we create our diamonds?
The process of creating a natural and synthetic diamond is extremely similar – only one occurs naturally, and the other occurs in the laboratory. We make science simple and want to share with you our innovative and advanced HPHT synthetic diamond technology.