Management team

Laureate of the St. Petersburg Government grant for students, young scientists, young PhDs. Co-applicant of the grant of the Ministry of Education in the field of Technosphere Safety.
He has certificates from the Strascheg Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany in the following areas: International Business Analysis, International Strategic Management, Global Entrepreneurship. He is certified by Google Digital Academy in Digital Marketing.
Management block
Responsible for general administration,
block management. Graduate of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, St. Petersburg. Psychologist. She began her career at the Central Research Institute of Materials (development of special materials and technologies). Has experience in practical management work in various companies and industries, including experience as a general director (Rusmodernization LLC).

Responsible for international cooperation and development of new directions. Responsible for production, laboratory and research management. Graduate of OPEN Business School, St. Petersburg Higher Command School named after M.V. Lomonosov. S. M. Kirov, and subsequently graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law and the North-Western Academy of Public Administration.” He has impressive experience in creating and managing large engineering companies of JSC Zvezda-Energetika (Deputy General Director), from 2005 to 2014 he headed JSC Dominanta-Energy as President. Has experience in civil service, from 2015 to 2016 Deputy Head of the Administration of the Central District of St. Petersburg, Current Member of the Expert Group, Autonomous non-profit organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives” for promoting new projects, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board in the “Composite Cluster of St. Petersburg” for implementation and development of the use of composite materials in transport infrastructure, shipbuilding and construction.
Graduate of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Volga Region State Technological University” with a degree in engineer-manager in the field of quality management. He began his career at Lenenergo. He has extensive experience in the field of synthesis of superhard materials and participation in the development of technologies for cubic presses. Has a certificate of competence in the field of quality management systems according to the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 standard). Meets the requirements for internal auditors.
